Student Leadership

St Patrick’s aims to provide opportunities to develop and cultivate leadership qualities within all students. We aim to instil in students, a strong sense of social justice through the service of others.

School Leaders

Students from Year 6 are all eligible to become school leaders. Willing students commit to a leadership period where they gain a taste of the expectations and role of student leaders. At the end of that period, if they are willing to accept the role, they present a speech to the school community and apply to the principal for this very important position. After approval from the principal in consultation with the school staff, and with the students from Years 1 to 5 voting, the successful students are announced at our annual end of year liturgy.   

The leaders perform a number of ceremonial roles on special occasions. They meet and liaise often with the Year 6 teachers and principal. The leaders are responsible for setting a good example of being responsible, respectful and safe at all times.

They have responsibility for running daily school assemblies, running weekly Awards ceremony each Friday, the care of sports equipment, maintaining house enthusiasm in sporting activities, overseeing the canteen lines, assisting in the canteen to serve students, putting up the flags daily, helping in the library, representing the school at community functions – ANZAC March, Leadership Breakfast and more.

The job of being a school leader is quite busy, but it is a privilege to serve the community in so many ways through the Spirit of Jesus by being kind, compassionate, forgiving and being just.
